9-12 SEPTEMBER 2021
10:00 - 19:00
5N1K Advertising and Counselling Press and Information Services Ind. Trade. Co. Ltd.
Colorful Together, Strong Together
To introduce all our 81 provinces at the same time and with equal opportunities.
To highlight our tourism values by giving fairgrounds not to companies but to cities.
Bringing up Turkey's tourism values to the agenda both within the country and abroad.
To enable local and foreign tourists to create new holiday and tourism destinations.
Converging domestic and foreign tour companies, tourism agencies, accommodation companies, transportation companies on the same point.
Providing pre-planned B2B interview opportunities with the companies participating in the fair.
Moving the facilities provided with the virtual Fair feature to digital media.
3D booths, video displayings and unlimited digital communication opportunities to provide access to everyone.
To be able to convey the opinions of leading experts to the participants through conferences and panels to be organized.
Ability to instantly answer the questions of participants both in the fairground and in the virtual environment through our experts.
Bringing impressive shows into action in the show areas allocated to our cities and presenting these shows to the audience from digital media.
Our Tourism Will Always Be Alive
Eliminating the effects of the recession in tourism after the covid – 19 outbreak.
To be able to keep our country’s tourism alive for 12 months.
Ensuring our cities to be able to brand.
Introducing unknown aspects of our country and culture to the world.
Bringing in currency to the country through foreign tourists.
To make domestic tourists more active.
To develop the entire country’s economy from our local shopkeepers to our tourism agencies, and from our big cities to our remote villages.
Transferring the power of the digital world to our tourism with virtual B2B interviews that will be planned in advance, where we provide infrastructure.
Our People Will Recognize, The Whole of Turkey Will Win
Our local tourists, who now tend to alternative areas instead of crowded places, will discover the lesser-known destinations of our cities at this fair and will have the opportunity to travel and recognize the whole of Turkey in one area. Having a pleasant time accompanied by colorful shows, they will be able to receive unlimited information by participating in conferences and panels in which expert speakers take place. They will be able to find answers to their questions by communicating one-to-one with attendants in the booth areas.
Turkey is on the Agenda of World with it’s unknown aspects
Foreign tourists will take the opportunity to recognize our country in a single fairground with all its culture and diversity. While being able to access the fair comfortably with virtual participation, they can also discover the unique destinations with expert guidance. They will have a more realistic impression of our culture by watching entertaining and different shows. They will witness hundreds of thousands of years of history, a unique mosaic of culture and unique natural beauties.
Turkey's Heart Will Beat Faster Than Ever
Istanbul, the city that attracts the most tourists in Turkey, is also our city with the highest population. In this way, it is the right destination for the fair to reach more people. At the same time, thanks to its cosmopolitan structure, it hosts our citizens from every province, which will ensure that every participant in the fairground will receive attention. Public transport, accommodation, cultural wealth will allow people who will come to our fair to have a comfortable and joyous time
81 Color In Turkey's Largest Show Center
Avrasya Exhibition Center is the largest exhibition center in Turkey. It was built in 2017 by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality to contribute to tourism. It is located on an area of 18 thousand 470 M2. It has an indoor area of 11 thousand m2 and a height of 16 meters. It is comfortable to reach from both Asia and Europe. Convenient transportation can be provided by highway, seaway and railway. It has numerous facilities such as restaurants, cafes, technological infrastructure and parking with a capacity of 8 thousand vehicles.
81 Color Merges and Opens up to the World
The target audience of our fair, which is expected to sign many firsts, is also quite wide. Our number of visitors is expected to exceed 1,000,000 with participants from both within the country and from all over the world. Our fair, which will come to the fore of the country with extensive promotional activities, will also resound in abroad.
Our Domestic Target Audience
Visitors who want to get information about regions and individual provinces and make domestic tourism
Tourism establishments
Tour operators
Travel agents
Governmental institutions and organizations
Diplomatic representatives
Event Organizers
Academic institutions and organizations
Tourism Media
Our Foreign Target Audience
Foreign tourists looking for new destinations
Invited tour operators
Invited travel agents
Invited media organizations and tourism writers
Everywhere You Look, We Will Coexist In There
Our fair will be brought to agenda of country beforehand, during and thereafter with it’s 360 communication campaigns.
Traditional Media Channels.
National and regional TV channels (Main News Bulletins and Live Broadcasts)
Magazines and newspapers (Press Releases)
Radio Channels (News, Live Broadcasts, Gift Ticket Distribution)
Outdoor Advertising
Shelter Ad
Digital Channels
Websites (Responsive)
Social Media Ads
Google Ads
Social Media (regular shares from Instagram, Youtube and Facebook channels)
Youtube Live Broadcasts During The Fair
Google Adwords and Display Ads
Blogger Agreements
Youtuber Agreements
Youttuber Anlaşmaları
Instagram Influencer Deals
We're Versatile, and of course Strong in Digital
As the world became digital by leaps and bounds, we did not limit our fair to physical areas and simultaneously carried it to the digital world. In this way, instead of limiting participation to specific countries and regions, we made it open to the whole world. Digital participants will be able to watch the 3D booths and introduction videos prepared by our cities from all around the world at any time, as well as visit the fairground in a virtual way.
Digital participants will be able to instantly see city representatives and start a call by voice or video no sooner than they click on the available ones. Participants will also be able to add information found in cities' digital booths to their baskets and download it to their computers. Thanks to the special software we have prepared, the B2B interviews will be organized before the start of the fair. Which institution, organization or, persons will be interviewed, and what time will be held, will be determined according to this program.
What Is Learned By Having Fun Is Never Forgotten
Each city will be given a certain period of time to introduce their culture in the Showgrounds located at the fairground. During this time, they will be able to perform unlimited impressive shows such as dancing, tasting events, exhibitions, concerts or sporting events.
Participants will be informed through conferences and panels where competent and expert in their field speakers will take to the stage. Questions from both the fairground and digital platforms will be answered instantly here.
We’re Equal and Unique
Cities will have 75 m2 of space in their booths where they can freely use technological devices and the right to unlimited electricity use. They will have B2B interviews with our invited foreign and domestic participants both on the fairground and in a virtual environment. Special social media shares, advertising banners will be prepared for each city. Promotional materials in various parts of the fair will include logos of cities. The booths will also be established at the virtual fairground for each of our cities.)